Welcome to Greenfield

Greenfield Care Homes is a purpose-built home offering 24-hour care and support to older people, including those living with dementia and physical disabilities. Our unique care options are designed to offer residents a person-centered experience and enhanced levels of care. The welcoming warm family environment sets the tone for lovely care homes, which offers a selection of places to relax, dine, exercise, socialize and be creative with friends and family. The bright, comfortable bedrooms and living areas are all easily accessible by wheelchair.

Residents are invited to decorate their own rooms with small items of their own furniture, family pictures and treasured belongings so that it feels just like home. Daily life is thoughtfully designed to support mind, body and soul.

Greenfield Virtual Tour

Care Offered at Greenfield

We provide a range of specialist services to suit individual needs, from residential, nursing, and respite care. We also care for people who suffer from dementia, have mental health needs.

Residential care

At Greenfield, you will find the very best residential care that is supportive and encouraging, allowing our residents to live full lives.

Nursing care

Nursing care is for those people who need a nursing support available frequently to them.

Dementia care

The dedicated care in our home is tailored to each individual, providing support 24-hours a day that promotes each person’s uniqueness and individuality.


Respite Care

At Greenfield, the choices you have made to provide this care allows your loved one to remain at home surrounded by the people they love.

Greenfield Lifestyle:

For our active residents, we organize a whole range of care home activities: gardening, baking, music appreciation and live performances, poetry sessions, local news and game & politics discussions, light exercise sessions, board games, bingo and puzzles, and plenty of TVs program, puzzles and board games, both in communal areas and individual rooms.

Birthday celebration at Grenfield

Birthday celebration at Grenfield

Where to find US: